Morning Glory?

Morning Glory?

Saturday, August 25, 2012

This Ministry's Purpose

of which I became a minister according to the stewardship from God that was given to me for you, to make the word of God fully known, Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me.

Paul's ministry is about making the gospel of Jesus the Christ fully known, so that he might present everyone mature in Christ. Is that true for every one of God's ministers?

Today, we were on the road again from Accra, where we spent not-quite-two- days buying necessary groceries, dog food, and plants, back to Nkwanta, our home. The journey will be around 6 hours in duration. It could be shorter, if the rain has not damaged the last hour-long stretch of road too badly, or if no large trucks have gotten stuck on the road, effectively impeding progress and raising stress levels for all travellers. It could be shorter if, after the paved road ends, the dirt road has been grated and only slightly dampened by rain; or if the Chinese contractors have paved the road completely, so that the whole journey will pass over tarred (paved) road. But, of course, we're in the rainy season and, while it is dry in Accra, Nkwanta and its surrounding areas are making up for the capital's lack. It'll be longer.

Remember, your identity is found in relation to someone(s) or something(s)...unless you are source of all the somethings and someones, in which case, if you're reading this, I am grateful and greatly humbled and welcome all of your input on...everything. If you are not, then I would thank you to read on. Without what(s) or whom(s) would your life be less than satisfied or satisfactory? Mind you, I do not intend to imply a scale as our teachers may have in grade school, from Failing to Satisfactory to Excellent. Rather, I intend to denote the difference between satisfied and not satisfied, simply. If _ were not a part of my life, I would have no reason to live, no purpose in living. As an attempt at greater clarity without confusion, if you could make allowance for _'s absence, then you need to keep searching. I mean, without ___, you would lose your sense of self. I hope that's clear.

Now, if you have no point of reference for such a source for your sense of self, then I would urge you to both begin and continue the search. By the conclusion of these thoughts, I hope you understand the importance of your identity. I know that many may not know where to start, and might not have even given this topic a first, let alone second, thought. To you, then, what follows is a case for identity. To you who are searching and who meet with mixed success, encouragement and exhortation are my goals. To those who encourage and exhort in this area, I pray that this is helpful as you help others grow, and as you find nourishment for your souls. To all of you and everyone, may your source prove just and benevolent and, perhaps above all, present.

posted from Bloggeroid

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