Morning Glory?

Morning Glory?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Birds and Knowledge the Bible

Today I honestly believe I saw an Egret yawn. Also, I now know from whence the poop in the carport comes.

As I am writing, Knowledge is calling me! Do you remember him from a couple of months ago? He had gotten into a motorcycle accident, and was hospitalized. His jaw, shoulder, and wrist were all fractured, on his right side. He just called me to let me know that he is recovering well; dressing and grooming and feeding himself. He is still in rehab for his shoulder and wrist, but the bones seem to be setting well! He is a dear brother, so I thank God for the progress thus far! May the Lord heal him completely, and quickly. He will have a great increase in faith because of his healing, and God is being glorified. Praise God, the Great Physician!!!!

As I woke up yesterday, I received a phone call from a local pastor. She was inviting me to "give a talk" during the congregations Youth Week, which lasts from Tuesday through Saturday of next week. I was glad to have gotten her call, as I have not taken the time to go and visit that group of young people in quite some time. So, I happily informed Pastor Stella that I would be available next week, and that she should let me know of the particular day or days on which I could teach. She responded that she would call me back concerning the day, but that she wanted me to talk to the Youth from 1 Corinthians, whereupon I asked if she was thinking of a certain section within the epistle. She told me that she was not, at which point I inquired after any themes on which she may have wanted to focus. She said there was none especially at the forefront of her mind. I then asked her to tell me what she had in mind for me. "All the 16 chapters."

Alrighty then. I just need to survey the book before next week, possibly with a diagram for my own benefit. I know how to do that, and will have the necessary time in which to complete it. (We are still on the phone, mind you.) I respond, "OK," and proceed to verbally assume that I will be using the entire Youth Week to teach 1 Corinthians to the young people. That is pretty exciting stuff, to think that teens want to delve in to an epistle for deeper understanding. I was stopped short, however, when the pastor mentioned that she would be allotting roughly 45 minutes to the lesson, and only on Wednesday of next week. Hm.

Therefore, you who pray and believe in prayer for the resource it is, pray for me, that I would teach the Word of the Living, True God, effectively, contextually, and accurately. Pray that I will be bold and joyful in learning and presenting the truth of the Holy Scriptures, because that way God will get the most glory from my efforts.

I pray for you also, that God would give you the grace, strength, and pro-activity to minister in your sphere(s) of influence. I charge you, as an ambassador of the Most High and Almighty Lord Jesus Christ: preach the Gospel, the whole Gospel, and nothing but the Gospel. So help you God.

And if you are no such ambassador, I challenge you to seek the Lord with all your heart, that He may be found by you. Else you will live an ultimately unfulfilled existence, chasing after the wind of desires found only with you and absent from the heart of the Creator, and leading a desperate yet unfulfilled search for pastures apart from the Good Shepherd.

Romans 10:8-10 But what does it say? "The word is near you, in your mouth, and in your heart;" that is, the word of faith, which we preach:
that if you will confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For with the heart, one believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

posted from Bloggeroid

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