(If you were keeping up with two weeks ago, please be informed that I failed to post an entry about the Women's Conference. I have just found this out, and so I ask that you accept my retro-knowledgeable upload. All that I knew of that time is posted below.)
"If you are in the world, and you don't give yourself to Christ, you have lost."

That's Fati. I kinda surprised her with that pic, but she said I could post it.
We are making progress on the Nkwanta Leadership Empowerment Center. If you have clicked on the clouds, then you know what that is. We have the walls up on one side. Here are both sides, facing left, center, then right.

This week the Women's Conference is ongoing, as I mentioned Saturday. This morning the sessions began. Mrs. Avelyn taught them on the topic "A Sister's Love," saying that the love that women show each other strengthens, upholds, and uplifts through good times and bad. We also sang together, and encouraged each other through the song "I Need You to Survive," during which I watched the ladies say "I need you" in their mother tongues, to others of their people group. Then there were breakout sessions. I attended the session entitled "Relationship with God and Others," in which Miss Nishia about some of the stages of maturity in our relationship with God, and how growth in that relationship overflows into our relationships with other people.
You may be asking yourself (or me, telepathically) how I came to attend the Opening Session one Breakout Session of a conference designed to cater specifically to women. I see your question, so I suppose that means I need to address it. The answer is no mystery (well, I suppose it still is at this point, for you) nor misdeed.
Whereas my family is hosting the women from the United States, and
Whereas my mother is acting as Co-ordinator of the Conference, and
Whereas the women leading said Conference require the use of our transportation and my keyboard, and
Whereas I was needed to transport the keyboard, and
Whereas, once we arrived at the Conference site, I was consigned to audio assistance, therefore
Let It Be Resolved that I also attended the Opening Session one Breakout Session of a conference designed to cater specifically to women.
"If you are in the world, and you don't give yourself to Christ, you have lost."

That's Fati. I kinda surprised her with that pic, but she said I could post it.
We are making progress on the Nkwanta Leadership Empowerment Center. If you have clicked on the clouds, then you know what that is. We have the walls up on one side. Here are both sides, facing left, center, then right.

This week the Women's Conference is ongoing, as I mentioned Saturday. This morning the sessions began. Mrs. Avelyn taught them on the topic "A Sister's Love," saying that the love that women show each other strengthens, upholds, and uplifts through good times and bad. We also sang together, and encouraged each other through the song "I Need You to Survive," during which I watched the ladies say "I need you" in their mother tongues, to others of their people group. Then there were breakout sessions. I attended the session entitled "Relationship with God and Others," in which Miss Nishia about some of the stages of maturity in our relationship with God, and how growth in that relationship overflows into our relationships with other people.
You may be asking yourself (or me, telepathically) how I came to attend the Opening Session one Breakout Session of a conference designed to cater specifically to women. I see your question, so I suppose that means I need to address it. The answer is no mystery (well, I suppose it still is at this point, for you) nor misdeed.
Whereas my family is hosting the women from the United States, and
Whereas my mother is acting as Co-ordinator of the Conference, and
Whereas the women leading said Conference require the use of our transportation and my keyboard, and
Whereas I was needed to transport the keyboard, and
Whereas, once we arrived at the Conference site, I was consigned to audio assistance, therefore
Let It Be Resolved that I also attended the Opening Session one Breakout Session of a conference designed to cater specifically to women.
posted from Bloggeroid
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