Here is the deal, glockenspiel--
I need to go offline for the next few weeks. The remaining time in my internship is filled with busy-ness, fatigue, and planning. I am seeing a team of short-term individuals to the States tomorrow, as they have been here for 10 days. If I failed to mention it to you, that is because I have been extremely preoccupied!!! They leave Wednesday night, then my parents and I will fly to see my younger brother finish high school. Even as I write, I'm dozing off far too frequently than is acceptable.
With that said, I plan to resurface again. The 26 of June seems reasonable; as I will have recently re-entered my first culture by then. This is not an intentional disconnection with you, but rather an attempt to maintain my long-term sanity, thus empowering myself to return to you with a new, fresh state of mind. I may post the occasional picture, but writing will be kept to a strict minimum.
Do continue to pray for me, that God should give me wisdom and show me more of his character, and that the plans he has for my family would come to pass.
God bless you with his truth and call you to his glory as long as you are his own. Live in Love.
Fati says hi.